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A member registered Mar 08, 2017

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Donezo! Im attlaz there.

I absolutely loved this! i work with unity and you sir, just blew my mind! is there anyway I can get the source of this project?

Im not mad, i liked the game, but i was disapointed it didnt run on my computer, it being a low poly game it has no reason not to run, i can run overwatch on low settings on my pc and still get 60fps, when i lower the settings on this game i still barely ever get 20. There is no reason to "defend" the dev, the game's optimization is far far below awful, i know what im talking about(im in college getting my barachel in game development), im not just "some dude on the internet" trashtalking a game, i gave my legitimate criticism.

The game needs to be optimized! there is no denying that.

Hey man, saw Mr.Fruit playing your game and thought it was pretty cool but when i downloaded it i was surprised to see that my pc couldnt run it (Intel 630 HD). It being an low poly game i tought i was pretty weird and it just showed how little attention you payed to optimization, you should definetely study a little bit about occlusion culling, maybe give your codes a clean up, and give the player the option to turn off cinematic image effects as they are very heavy on the gpu. This is coming from a developer, cheers Mate!